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  • コロナがあけてもあけなくても新宿西口「思い出横丁」


Memorable Yokocho (新宿/思い出横丁)


















Come to Japan when Corona opens. "In Shinjuku, Tokyo, there is a Showa retro "Memorable Yokocho".


Today, we will introduce you to a shop with the Corona Emergency Declaration of "Memorable Yokocho."


Everyone is desperate and working hard. Forget to live in harmony with Corona, fooled by the country's false rumor. The Japanese government wants all micro-managers to be crushed.


There is a corona on your nose now. But I don't worry. It's good to suck in. But you won't be able to do that. That's why there's no choice but to make an anti. But it's also an idea to be vaccinated. Freedom to vaccinate, freedom not to strike.


Corona is a virus. It's not a bacteria. The Japanese people like the term miscellaneous bacteria. The person is called the pointing fungus. I will treat foreigners with bacteria.


However, I will try to change Japan like that. Ladies and gentlemen, please come to Japan more and more when the stupidity of measures against corona in Japan is cured and you can travel abroad freely.


I would also like to tell those who live in Japan, but it is a lie that Tokyo is dangerous. Please do not be fooled by the government or the media. Consider who gets the most. The same goes for the Olympics.


So, let's all go to "Memorial Yokocho".